How’s It Work?

The Meshtastic radios are very simple devices which drives their low price point. By themselves the radios are rudderless. To make use of the radios in a meaningful way one must “drive” them using the Meshtastic client application.

Though there are a number of ways to do this, the easiest is to use Bluetooth. Since most modern smart phones can run the Meshtastic application, and those same phones also have on-board Bluetooth radio system. Since you’re likely to be walking around with one anyay…the hardware platform of the modern phone makes a simple, practical means by which to operate your Meshtastic radio.

The application may be found in your familar App stores:

While there are a number of other clients in development, using an app on any Android or iPhone is going to be the most common way to interface with the mesh network.

So you have to use a cell phone…to not use a cell phone?

No, but it’s the easiest way until the industry catches up to meet consumer demand. It is important to understand the cell phone is being used as a hardware platform with a Bluetooth radio, which can also run the Meshtastic application. None of this relies on, or uses Wi-Fi or cellular service. In fact, the phone doesn’t even require a SIM card to operate on the mesh network!

Think of it as a series of puppet strings with you at the top.

  • You control the phone.
    • The phone controls the Meshtastic application.
      • The Meshtastic application controls the phone’s Bluetooth radio.
        • The phone’s Bluetooth radio controls the Meshtastic radio.
          • The Meshtastic radio communicates with other nodes on the BERN

Enven More Options

Enthusiasts and hobbyists have been working on standalone models that do not require a cell phone or other device. The open-source nature of the Meshtastic application means it is open and available to anyone with the curiosity and know-how to adapt it into anything they can imagine.

There’s a sheep herder in Turkey who’s adapted GPS enabled Meshtastic radios to keep track of his flocks and warn him when they become agitated.

Others are using drones to temporarily hoist radios into high places to provide mobile communications relays during large gatherings. The possibilities are up to your imagination!

Prototype Standalone Designs

Here are some examples of some truly impressive prototyle designs, some of which are available for pruchase. There’s a large market of cases, add-ons, and accessories growing on Etsy. More options present themselves every day!


The Meshenger is a standalone unit which has been sold from time to time as a kit for about $250


The Armachat client is another standalone node, which does not require any additional hardware to function.

These devices should be considered bleeding edge in terms of product maturity. Some knowledge of electronics and circuitry is required, and the devices themselves should be considered experimental in nature. Do not expect a friendly 1-800 number or a waiting army of customer service agents to be standing by.